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Deep Dive Digital Media

ID : 64419   
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Learn the technical and non-technical skills to be successful in the $300b industry of digital media design and development. We live in a digital world and elements of digital media design are all around us! High-tech and entertainment companies are not the only industries looking for skilled digital media designers and developers. Instead healthcare institutions, science and research companies, architectural firms and other industries have a demand for digital media professionals. In this boot camp you will developed highly sought after skills in commercial animation, digital game design and development, and computer generated graphics, using some of the latest software development tools popular in the industry today. By the end of this intensive and fun experience students will create a portfolio of digital projects that will demonstrate to employers that you have the skills it takes to add technical value and creativity to their organization. 
Call 505-224-4717 to register Send to Friend »

Class Details

60 Session(s)
Days of the Week :Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu.  
  Weekly - Fri.  

Location : CNM STEMulus Center Location : 
  CNM STEMulus Center.

Instructor : Multiple Instructor :
 1.Kase  2.Rodney Sanchez 



Registration Closes On
Monday, May 19, 2025 @ 12:00 AM

Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
5/19/2025 - 8/7/2025 Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Albuquerque, CNM STEMulus Center  Map, Room: STEM 25B Rodney Sanchez  ; Kase 
5/23/2025 - 8/8/2025 Weekly - Fri 08:00 AM - 03:00 PM Albuquerque, CNM STEMulus Center  Map, Room: STEM 25B Rodney Sanchez  ; Kase 

Other Class Offerings

Deep Dive Digital Media
ID: 64418

01/20/25 - 04/11/25
Weekly - Fri
60 sessions.

CNM STEMulus Center


Call 505-224-4717 to register
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Deep Dive Digital Media
ID: 64420

09/15/25 - 12/05/25
Weekly - Fri
60 sessions.

CNM STEMulus Center
